All existing apartment house incinerators were to be closed or improved according to a specific timetable . 按照特定的时间表,封闭或改进所有公寓已有的家用焚化炉装置。
Fifth , to defend state unity , one must raise practical and specific timetable according to actual situation to solve the problem as soon as possible 五是必须在事关国家统一的重要问题上提出具体明确的时间表,促进问题的尽早解决。
We negotiated a specific timetable to phase - out the 20 percent cession to zero , five years after accession . - - in 1999 china exempted " statutory " or compulsory insurance from national treatment but subsequent negotiations with others called into question that commitment 我们商定了一个具体时间表,在加入世贸组织5年后,把20 %的分保让与额逐步减少到零。
At the same time , these opinion polls also indicate that while there are aspirations in the community for a timetable for universal suffrage , most people do not want to see the administration s proposals voted down because a specific timetable cannot be set at this stage 与此同时,民意调查亦显示市民对订定普选时间表有所期望,但大部分市民却不会希望因为现阶段未能订立具体时间表,便否决政府的建议方案。